
ACHTUNG: bitte schreibe mir hier eine E-Mail, Hendrik, wenn du diese Nachricht siehst. Ich habe deine andere E-Mail übersehen und kann dich nicht erreichen.

>>i amuse myself with philosophy, cognitive science, and language acquisition, but my capstone interests exist in cyber policy and ethics, including but not limited to how these sometimes undetected notions are applied towards emerging artificial intelligence.

tl;dr i strive to attend to the (lacking) idea of policy oriented artificial intelligence and am vastly concerned with the utter disrespect and violation when it comes to the shortage of awareness of the value of one’s data. it’s immeasurable, really.

as our virtual selves intertwine with our offline selves, the advertising industry thrives more and more and the consumer is left stripped of his data – his digital identity. but i appreciate the effort of foreboding awareness that has slyly crept in. i aim to communicate the details of the universal technological spell that the everyday individual has been whisked into, but this “aha!” moment requires a new investigation and better understanding of the potential of being rather than only the sole acceptance of the world that has been presented to us. it must be challenged.

it will be challenged.

please click here for further inquiry into my opinion of Big Tech’s immense influence or here for my “critique of the internet (and technology at large)” philosophical ramblings.

thank you.