“I Have Nothing to Hide” is Invalid
The internet isn’t fun anymore.
Remember when the internet wasn’t full of…corporations? It felt like an escape from the norm. It felt like a secret that wasn’t supposed to get out, even though we all knew what it was. We embraced the new age connectedness, and the mainstream giants took notice. And everything got bought out. And the internet became bigger and bigger, and began to berate you to contribute more and more information about your day to day life in order to use the encapsulating, attention-hungry, engagement-seeking service(s).
Innocent, right?
An Instagram post is harmless, right?
The post entails more than what the user realizes. Location, photo access, camera access, microphone access are all permissions needed to use many apps, including Instagram. Sometimes someone will retort “well my phone tracks me anyways” when I mentioned the dangers of contributing data to social media. Yeah, okay, but that doesn’t mean that you have to become complacent and numb to every other business that takes advantage of your ignorance of the issue of data ethics and privacy. You have nothing to hide? Do you want some schmuck to be able to pull up access to your electronic devices and tell me everything about you?
The average person is becoming more aware of this issue of the weaponized and brutalized gap in our rights as humans! But is this…meaningful? Facebook runs television ads to assure us that privacy is important….
People know that they are advertised specific products based on in person communication. But do they make change? They will still post on Instagram. They will still keep their Facebook accounts because their “family is still on it and it’s the only way to keep in contact.” No, it’s not. It never was. You have been carefully crafted into acceptance of the advancement and politicization of Big Tech.
Do you want privacy or convenience? Rather, do you want human rights or convenience? Does that get your attention? Human privacy reflects human rights, and it’s completely shattered. Now that privacy has been destroyed and dismissed, the human will be invaded through an extremely well rounded set of emotional manipulation, carefully crafted to overtake the individual and have real world consequences.